We are in the beginning stages of YWAM Chico’s campus restoration!
God blessed YWAM Chico with a beautiful piece of property and fantastic buildings and facilities to be used to train and send missionaries to the nations.
As we continue to train missionaries and send them into the field, we know we are also called to steward faithfully what God has given us.
Our facilities are currently in need of some care and structural renewal. The next few months our staff will are committed to dedicating a portion of each week working on renovation projects.
1. Financially – Each project has a dollar sign attached. Would you consider financially sowing into YWAM Chico as we raise funds for facility renewal?
2. Gifts in kind – We will soon be publishing a list of products needed. Please keep an eye open for the list if you think you may be able to help in this area.
3. Labor – Would you like to come to YWAM Chico and help us with some of these projects? Please let us know if you, or a group you are connected with want to join us for a renewal project!
If you would like to learn how to volunteer: