Fundraiser Banquet

Friday 4th October

You are invited to the fourth annual fundraiser dinner with Youth With A Mission Chico. Come hear about the heart of our mission and how partnering with us is making a difference locally and around the world.


Evening Program

5:00 PM – Doors Open for Optional Tours

6:00 PM – Official Program Start. Dinner, Stories of Transformation and Giving Opportunity

7:30 PM – Dessert and Refreshments In the Hotel Lobby

8:00 Official End – Feel Free to Enjoy Fellowship and the Christmas Ambience

9:00 PM – Thank You for Joining Us

We also have a childcare option for children aged 5-12 years old.  It is $15 per child and includes a pizza dinner.

Dinner will be held in the beautiful dining room of the Richardson Springs Hotel.

Unable to join us in person for this special evening?

You can still partner with us financially by clicking the link below.  A one time donation or regular monthly gift will enable us to continue changing lives locally and around the world!

Thank you for joining us in spreading the Gospel.