Crossroads DTS

YWAM Chico

“Whether you call it a fresh start or new beginning, a second chance or do-over, a new season or chance to begin again more intelligently…a crossroads is a transition…an opportunity to leave behind the familiar and step into a great new adventure.

As the old Robert Frost poem states…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Crossroads DTS could be the beginning of the road that will make all the difference for you.

Craig Anderson, Missionary at YWAM Chico

Crossroads - YWAM DTS for Older Adults

Crossroads DTS (CDTS) is tailored specifically for people aged 26 and above and is open to singles, couples and families. CDTS provides an exciting opportunity to explore and develop your calling into missions and ministry.

In this course we take the core content of our” tried and true” DTS (click here for an overview of the curriculum) and configure it for older adults and those with a little more life experience. The one-to-one mentoring sessions, small groups and pace of the course will give you the space to apply your learning to your own unique life situation. This will help you on your journey through your own transition into what the Lord has next for you.


The Crossroads DTS is great for people who:

· Hunger to grow in their relationship with God
· Are open to try something new and  develop a new set of skills
· Desire to use gifts and skills they already have in a new context
· Experienced a life-altering situation and are starting a new chapter
· Want to serve the Lord in World Missions

A Place for You!

In the CDTS you will study God’s Word and His character.

Have space to develop your personal relationship with Christ.

Gain a new perspective and understanding for yourself and those around you.

See the world of missions and what a missionary’s life might look like.

Receive mentoring from staff and peers that will help you discover what’s next

If you have chosen A Track, you will be spending 2-4 focused hours on the specialization

“Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls."

-Jeremiah 6:16

 Fall Quarter: September 2025

Outreach location: TBD

Lecture fees $3,795. 

Outreach fees (adults and children) $3,500-$4,000

Children’s fees* during lecture:
Ages 0-2 : $150
Ages 3-4 : $525
Ages 5-8 : $900
Ages 9-13 : $1,150
Ages 14-18 : $1,350
*Child fees are based on the age of the child on the last day of the outreach phase.

Fees cover food, transportation, housing, and school expenses.

Additional costs may include extra immunizations, visa, and/or passport costs.

Costs subject to change.

Foundation school is a heart transformation school for children aged 5-17 years old. Our topics are coordinated with the family DTS, but our school is open to children from families in other schools at YWAM Chico, including the Crossroads DTS. The heartbeat behind Foundation school is that “it starts in your heart.” Our desire is to walk alongside the kids as they build their own foundation in the love of Christ, helping them tune in to His voice, and share His love with those around them. Colossians 2:7

Families who have children under the age of four years must provide a nanny during the lecture phase of the program. The cost for the nanny is $1500 for the entire lecture phase.

Crossroads DTS Inquiry Form
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